The Most Common Causes of Fire

There are a number of causes that may lead to the evolution and spreading of a fire. But with proper measures taken we could reduce the impact. Fire is a threat in both residential places and workplaces. A fire can result in diverse problems including loss of productivity, financial losses and above all injuries and fatalities. If you are searching for a guide to understand the most common causes of fire, this article can help you. Common Causes of Fire Understanding the common causes of fire can help in taking necessary preventive measures by resorting to the best fire and safety equipment. The causes of fire are many both in residential spaces and workplaces. Some of them are enlisted here. Defective Equipment Defective equipment can pose a serious threat when left unnoticed. Loose wires, old equipment that are not maintained properly, sockets etc are dangerous things if not taken care of properly. To erase the chance of getting a fire from the defective equipment it is required to cross-check whether all these electrical equipment are well maintained and regularly tested to ensure it’s functioning and to assure that it isn't a safety hazard. Flammable Materials Whether it is in your home or at work, when we come in contact with flammable materials like paper, wood, cardboard, oil and other flammable liquids, there is a need to ensure that it is managed appropriately. These materials if not handled with care can act as fuel and help even a small fire outbreak to escalate and spread to a larger one. Proper disposal and handling is a must for these flammable materials. Additionally, it is always better to have fire and safety equipment, most importantly a fire extinguisher, in hand. Electrical Systems and Devices Many of the devices in both our homes and offices are working electrically and these electrical devices have the potential to start a fire. The most common among them are overheated lightning equipment. The improper usage of electrical devices and its maintenance and overusing of equipment are other chances. It is important that everyone should have proper awareness about how to handle a fire outbreak without becoming panicked. Fire Protection Not everyone could follow the safety precautions and maintain the fire and safety equipment during their tough and busy schedule. During such a time, you could also never leave it unnoticed. It is important to get fire protection assistance from a fire and safety company. We, at Firestone Fire and Safety, extend our help in providing diverse fire protection services in the UAE. With our services you can get fire safety equipment installed and maintained. Being a fire fighting company in Dubai, we render fire extinguishers, fire alarm system, sprinkler system, fire fighting system and a lot more. Get in touch with us and experience the best fire and safety services in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.


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